The History of Resistance: From the Apostles to the Twentieth Century
At this time we would like to highlight an excellent book just published. The Orthodox Traditionalist Publications produces an entire catalogue of worthy books to read. However, this one have particular import for our day and age. --Editor
"Orthodox Traditionalist Publications is pleased to announce the release of the new book, The History of Resistance: From the Apostles to the Twentieth Century. This book uncovers the authentic patristic teaching and the proper response to public preachers of heresy. It examines the Scriptures, scriptural commentaries, writings of the Church Fathers, canonical texts, authoritative interpretations of canon law, and liturgical texts, demonstrating that "resisting from within" while remaining in communion with public heretics is not consistent with true Orthodox patristic methodology. Instead, the genuine approach to resistance is to wall off and break communion with those who persist unrepentantly in publicly promoting heresy."
From the Apostles to the Twentieth Century
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