Our History
Ромуалдова пустиња Светог Архангела Михаила
Romualdova pustinja Svetog Arhangela Mihaila
Romualdian Hermitage of the Holy Archangel Michael
circa. 1999
11 July 1957
- Monk Symeon was born in Auburn, NY (USA) of a 17 y.o. English/Irish American mother and an 19 y.o. English/Italian American father and given over to first cousins to be raised.
1962 -- 1976
- Monk Symeon was educated in Catholic Church Parochial School System from elementary through secondary levels.
- Received an Associate of Arts (A.A.) Degree State University of New York major: Liberal Arts.
1979 September 23
- Chrismated into the Orthodox Church in America
- trained in Community Alternative Dispute Resolution & Family Mediation through NYS Unified Court System Certified trainings and workshops through NYS approved sites.
1992 – 1996
- trained in Existential & Gestalt Therapy at the Gestalt Institute of Syracuse Dr Samuele Graceffo, MD director/trainer
- trained in Addictions Counseling at various training centers in Central New York.
1994 - 1996
- Board Chair of OCA NYS Deanery "All Saints of America Mission" a social and educational outreach
- Transferred as a Layman to Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
- received Bachelor of Professional Studies (B.P.S.) degree State University of New York major: Orthodox Christian Pastoral Counseling & Conflict Resolution.
- Entered into the Genuine Orthodox "movement" through the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of America and British Isles American Archdiocese headquartered at Abbey of the Holy Name, West Milford New Jersey.
- tonsured a Stavrophore-monk in November. Blessed by Archbishop John to return to Syracuse NY and establish hermitage under St John the Divine spiritual patronage; later rededicated to the Western Hesychast St Romuald.
- Orthodox Pastoral Counseling & Care services offered under the aegis of the Orthodox Church.
- Monk Symeon suspended all ministry due to medical issues.
- Transferred to ROCOR Western Rite
- Left ROCOR Western Rite. Remained unattached.
- Returned in repentance under (as of 2011) Metropolitan John, Chief Hierarch of Autonomous (True) Orthodox Metropolia of North & South America and the British Isles.
- Established the website for the Sacred Cell (or Ermitaž Celija) of the Holy Archangel Michael and as its ministry founded a collective Orthodox Christian Center for Patristic Therapeutic Study (OCCPTS).
of the
Autonomous True Orthodox Metropolia
of North & South America and the British Isles*
The concept of a Western Orthodox Synod is proposed to the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in detail in the writings of Joseph Julius Overbeck, a Bavarian convert to Orthodoxy. The proposals include the use of restored Western Rites and the eventual formation of a Western Synod.
Munich Convention establishes an Old Catholic Church, which breaks from Rome over papal dogmas and claims of infallibility. J. J. Overbeck originally supports the movement but becomes disillusioned.
Russian Holy Synod, responding to a petition from Anglican parishes in America, rejects Anglican use due to unclear proclamation of Orthodox doctrine in liturgical texts.
An American, Father William Francis Brothers, an old catholic monk, is ordained abbot-bishop for the Czech old catholic church in Illinois.
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia leads to the martyrdom of thousands of clerics, monks and nuns, and millions of Orthodox Christians. The Church moves underground, except the Bishops Abroad who eventually form a Synod in Exile.
Patriarchate of Constantinople issues the Encyclical, Unto the Churches of Christ Everywhere, establishing Orthodox participation in inter-church and inter-religious movement.
Sparsely attended "Pan-Orthodox Congress" in Constantinople establishes use of papal calendar for Orthodox Christians, which was previously condemned in three Pan-Orthodox Synods.
Papal calendar is introduced in Greece; new Paschalion ultimately reversed, thus only changing the fixed cycle of Feasts. Traditionalists separate from the main body of the state Church. Abbot-bishop William relocates monastery to New York and attracts followers as a Western Orthodox cleric.
Metropolitan Sergius in Russia becomes locum tenens through questionable means; approves in theory of Western Rites, eventually capitulates to Soviet power and is given rights over official Churches in Russia.
Bishop William is consecrated an Orthodox Bishop using the Western Rite according to Orthodox norms in New York.
Three Bishops separate from the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece and declare the innovators schismatic for introducing the Papal Calendar into Orthodoxy. New Synod begins consecrating Bishops.
Metropolitan Sergius is elected Patriarch with the blessing of the Soviet State. Bishops of the state Church begin legal battles after being sent abroad with Bishops of the Church in Exile.
Split in the True Orthodox Church of Greece between Florinites and Matthewites.
Bishop Matthew given rank of Archbishop of Athens for Matthewite faction of Old Calendarists in Greece.
Bishop Chrysostomos of Florinite faction of the Old Calendarists reposes.
Russian Church in Exile consecrates Hierarchs for the Florinites.
Archbishop Auxentios is elected as Archbishop of Athens by the Florinites. Archbishop William given title of "Exarch for Western Parishes" by the Moscow Patriarchate. Due to concerns over Soviet interference, Exarch William refuses to be re-consecrated in Moscow. Roman Catholic Vatican II begins, ultimately involving the Roman Church in the ecumenical movement and advising modernization of the liturgy. Parishes begin to leave the Roman Church en masse in Europe and America.
Metropolitan Philaret chosen as the new head of the Russian Church in Exile.
Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI unilaterally "lift" the 1054 anathemas between the two Churches. Orthodox parishes join the Old Calendarists in protest.
After Patriarch Alexis' repeated insistence that Exarch William come to Moscow, William departs from the Moscow Synod and enters into communion with Archbishop Palladios of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Exile.
Archbishop Palladios petitions and receives the right for Archbishop William to operate independently as a Western Orthodox Bishop. Archbishop William s given the rank of Metropolitan and his coadjutor, Fr Joseph McCormack, is elevated to Archbishop of San Francisco.
Metropolitan Philaret and the Russian Church in Exile recognizes the Florinite succession of Hierarchs of the True Orthodox Church of Greece.
Metropolitan Philaret presides over a short-lived union between the Hierarchs of both factions of the True Orthodox Church.
The autonomous Synod of Western Orthodox Bishops in America cease communion with Constantinople after the latter's recognition of the Pope of Rome as the "first-Bishop" of Christianity.
The autonomous Synod of Western Orthodox Bishops in America receive the Old Catholic Diocese of Texas and elevate their Bishop [+Hilarion] to Archbishop of Texas.
Joao Rocha, a priest of the Roman Church who converted to Orthodoxy, petitions the Synod of Archbishop Auxentios to establish a Church for Portugal. Archbishop Auxentios raises Joao Rocha to the Episcopate, giving him the name Gabriel and assigning him to the long-defunct See of Lisbon.
The autonomous Synod of Western Orthodox Bishops in America a elevate Schema-Abbot John (LoBue) as Bishop of the Northeast.
Metropolitan Philaret and the Russian Church in Exile anathematize ecumenism. Old Calendarists, while no longer in communion with the Church in Exile, agree in principle to the nature of ecumenism and issue their own condemnations.
Archbishop Auxentios grants autonomy to the Portuguese Church and the West. More Bishops are made for Autonomous Western Metropolia.
Schism in the Florinites; Autonomous Western Metropolia supports Archbishop Auxentios of Athens.
Repose of Metropolitan Philaret of New York who is entombed in vault beneath the Dormition cemetery temple.
Metropolitan Eulogius of Milan elevated to head of Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe, eventually earning it the moniker "the Synod of Milan" after the departure of Metropolitan Gabriel of Portugal for the Polish Orthodox Church.
Repose of Archbishop Auxentios. Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe, recognized by Patriarch Volodymyr of Kiev, a Catacomb confessor elected to head the resurgent Ukrainian Church.
Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe, breaks communion with Ukrainian Church over allegations that the new Patriarch, Filaret Denisenko, is a KGB agent; and later these allegations turn out to be correct.
Through the influence of Schema-Bishop Theodore (lrtel), the Synod of Western Orthodox Bishops in America enter into communion with the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe, providing a unified Orthodox Christian witness to Western Europe and the Americas.
The coffin of Metropolitan Philaret is opened whereupon his body is found incorrupt. During the Panachida preceding reburial, Abbot Archbishop Laurus does not allow an open coffin for the faithful to venerate. Metropolitan Philaret is re-interred in a vault behind the main cathedral at Jordanville, New York.
Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe & Americas establishes parishes in England and Germany.
ROAC (Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church) and HOCNA (Holy Orthodox Church of North America) glorify Metropolitan Philaret. Upon the discovery of the incorrupt relics, ROCOR-V (Metropolitan Vitaly) is formed in Canada.
Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe & Americas re-establishes Churches in lberia of Spain.
Metropolis of Avlona applies for assistance from Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe & Americas and is received into communion with same.
ROCOR-PSCA (Provisional Supreme Church Authority), under Metropolitan Agafangel, glorify Metropolitan Philaret.
Friction develops within Milan Synod between those wishing continued traditional praxis and those with more liberal views who consequently make covert overtures in World Orthodox quarters, particularly the Moscow Patriarchate.
ROCOR-V (Metropolitan Vitaly), also known as ROCiE, glorify Metropolitan Philaret.
In Milan, a proposal is made to grant the American dioceses Autonomy from the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of Western Europe & Americas The proposal was accepted, and plans were devised to compose the Tomos granting same.
Metropolitan Anghelos of Avlona and Boetia, who had entered into communion with Metropolitan Evloghios of Milan the previous year, establishes the Synod of the True Orthodox Church of the Patristic Calendar with interests in True Orthodox developments in Romania and Bulgaria wherein a functional True Orthodox Synod is established.
Full communion is also established with Metropolitanate of a Seraphimo-Gennadite Catacomb Bishop in Bukovina.
Early in the year, discussions are held between the True Orthodox Avlona Synod in Greece and the True Orthodox Church of Russia under Metropolitan Raphael (Prokopiev), with approximately 80 parishes in Russia. In Communion with this Synod are two Caucasian Hierarchs, Ioathan and Christopher, the future Metropolitan of Tbilishi and Khartlinsky. On the third Sunday of the Great Fast, the Russian and Greek Synod enter into formal ecclesial Communion.
In February, Archbishop John of New York is given a Tomos for the Dioceses of North and South America by the Synod of Milan, granting them full autonomy as a Autonomous [True] Orthodox Metropolia of North & South America and the British Isles (with extended jurisdiction over the British Isles). The new Metropolitan re-proclaims his vow to continue to reject ecumenism in all its forms, battle heresy, and strengthen the bonds of Communion with Milan’s regional Sister-Churches in Greece, Russia and Bulgaria.
In Latin America, Metropolitan Anghelos of the Avlona Synod receives the True Orthodox Church of the Patristic Calendar under Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Ecuador which consists of missions that were orphaned after the Orthodox Church of Spain had also embraced the path to ecumenism. The Bishops with jurisdiction in the Region, now in control of over two dozen parishes, begin working out the canonical overlap in an orderly fashion.
At the same time, secret negotiations between the liberal hierarchy and clergy of the Synod of Milan with Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) come to fruition with their reception into the Moldovan branch of the Moscow Patriarchate.
By June, the Sister Synods of Greece, Russia, and the Americas, try to comprehend this development with multiple discussions, all of which prove fruitless, and thus, in July, officially end communion with the Orthodox Synod of Milan, leaving Metropolitan John, and his Synod, as heir to its legacy and the only surviving direct line from the Genuine Orthodox Synod of Greece, Archbishop Auxentios of Athens, of blessed memory.
Some clergy of the now defunct Milan Synod are received into ROCOR by Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral), whereas a few others come directly under the Omophorion of Metropolitan John of the Autonomous [True] Orthodox Metropolia of North & South America and the British Isles
It becomes apparent that the True Orthodox Church of Russia under the Omophorion of Metropolitan Raphael, influenced by soi-disant bishop Gregory Lourie accept the heresy of Imjaslavije (Name-worshipping). The Russian Bishops as well as a few Bishops of the Avlona Synod waver on this and do not out rightly condemn the false teaching. This causes the break of inter-Communion with the other Sister-Synods and also causes a rift between the Avlona Synod and the Autonomous Metropolia under Metropolitan John.
About 30 clergy of Philippine independent old-catholic church, a break-away group from the papal church, seek the piety and stability of Orthodoxy, and with them bring a multitude of souls under the guidance of the Moscow Patriarchate and are received by the Muscovite clergy.
Disillusioned with their treatment by the clergy of the Moscow Patriarchate, together with confusion and discord created by meddling clergy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, some of the Clergy and Faithful in the Philippines return to their former heretical church; however, outnumbering them were those who remain zealous for Orthodoxy and instead of abandoning their resolve, petition Metropolitan John to be received and have their western rite protected under his Omophorion.
Visiting the missions throughout the Philippines, Metropolitan John and assistants formally receive the Philippine Clergy and multitudes of Faithful under his Omophorion, performing numerous baptisms, chrismations and ordinations.
Autonomous [True] Orthodox Metropolia of North & South America and the British Isles establishes a Deanery of the Philippines whose Clergy and Faithful worship Christ God by means of the proper texts of the restored western rites of the canonical True Orthodox Church.
The Russian True Orthodox Church repents of the heresy of Name-worshipping. Inter-Communion between Metropolitan Raphael (now named Seraphim having been tonsured into the Great Schema) and the Synod of Avlona, as well as the Autonomous Metropolia, is fully restored. A festive concelebration takes place on the Paschal Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers. A new title to describe the five canonical Sister Synods is created: The International Synaxis of Genuine Orthodox Churches
With both the accumulated departure and also repose of certain Hierarchs of the American Metropolia, and with the approval and assistance of the Sister Synods, to strengthen the Synod of Autonomous [True] Orthodox Metropolia of North & South America and the British Isles, three new Vicar-Bishops are elevated to the Episcopacy for Canada, Scotland and the USA.
The Holy Synod of Avlona issues a Statement condemning the global lockdowns and shuttering of temples by state governments using a pandemic as an excuse in attempts to establish the new world order by means of limiting the Faithful access to the Holy Mysteries of Christ God.
The Holy Synod of Autonomous [True] Orthodox Metropolia of North & South America and the British Isles issues a Statement prohibiting the acceptance by its Clergy and Faithful of hastily and immorally developed so-called vaccines which world governments claim will prevent the spread of a global virus by nefariously promising that civil freedoms and travel liberties by this means will be restored.
Within the Autonomous [True] Orthodox Metropolia of North & South America and the British Isles two Vicariates of Davao and Cotabato, are created for the Philippine Missions. Directions and measures on penances are implemented for Confessors dealing with any who have accepted the unapproved and immoral inoculations.
Early in the year, Archpriest Andreas, a senior cleric of the Philippino Deanery, had made secret overtures towards the Serbian Free Church in order to join it, and consequently all but a few souls in the Missions there followed this sudden departure from our Metropolia. Reader Andrew, a loyal son of our Church, was commissioned to collect and honour the remaining holy Chrism and Antimensia. With great sadness, the holy Synod of Bishop, who met in synaxis in October, realized that, after the considerable spiritual and financial support given to our True Orthodox Churches of the Philippines, the Missionary work of the Metropolia has seemingly come to an end.
*Some of the earlier information was extracted from the 2008 publication Lux Veritatis compiled by Priest Joseph Suaiden
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