Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Quick Hearer of Mt. Athos"

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Quick Hearer of Mt. Athos"

                           November 9os/22

Troparion, Tone IV —
Let us make haste to the Theotokos amid our misfortunes and fall down now before her holy icon, crying out with faith from the depths of our soul: Hearken quickly to our entreaty, O Virgin, in that thou art called she who is quick to hear. For thee do we, thy servants, have as a ready helper in our needs.

Kontakion, Tone VIII —
Tempest-tossed on the sea of life, we sink beneath the threefold waves of the passions and temptations. Wherefore, grant us a help­ing hand, O Lady, as thy Son did to Peter, and haste thou to deliver us from misfortunes, that we may cry out to thee: Rejoice, O most good one, who art quick to hear!


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